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the bible artinya

contoh kalimat "the bible"
  • We'll plant a mini-camera in the Bible.
    Kami akan menanam mini - kamera dalam Alkitab .
  • I've read in the Bible about avenging angels.
    Aku sudah baca kitab tentang malaikat pembalas dendam.
  • You were a fucking serpent from the Bible, weren't you?
    Kau ular sialan dari Alkitab, bukan?
  • This must be the guy who created the bible.
    Ini harus jadi orang yang menciptakan Alkitab.
  • As the Bible, but with a little mustard on it.
    Seperti Alkitab. Sedikit lagi... Mustard diatasnya.
  • You kids never read the Bible anymore, do you?
    Kalian tak pernah membaca Alkitab lagi, ya?
  • Did he believe in the Bible and its teachings?
    Apa dia percaya pada Alkitab dan ajaran-ajarannya?
  • We get the Bible, we take it to Detroit.
    Kita ambil Kitabnya, dan membawanya ke Detroit.
  • Don't draw attention... and don't throw the bible.
    Jangan menarik perhatian... dan jangan lempar Injil itu.
  • The Bible tells us to believe his children.
    Alkitab menyuruh kita untuk memercayai anak - anak.
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